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How to Do High Quality Pomegranate Cultivation in India?

Due to their rich nutritional profile and rising health consciousness, pomegranates are gaining immense popularity in India. As the demand is increasing within India and globally, pomegranate cultivation in India can be one of the best alternative income options for new farmers. However, you must have a complete understanding of the soil, climate, land & every other farming factor for pomegranate cultivation.

This article will give you all the information about pomegranate cultivation and how you can do it right. Additionally, we have a secret for farmers like you: read the whole piece, earn maximum profits from pomegranate production, and contribute to the domestic and global supply of this highly nutritional fruit.

Climate & Soil Requirements

If you aren’t aware of this, you will be astonished to know that India ranks among the top production countries of pomegranates worldwide. You need to select the most suitable areas for pomegranate farming while taking into account climate and soil conditions that are essential for commercially viable orchards.

Pomegranates thrive best when daytime summer temperatures range from 35-40°C and winters remain moderate, around 15-20°C. Areas with sharp winter chills negatively impact flowering and yields. Equally vital is annual rainfall between 500-750 mm, evenly distributed throughout the crop cycle. 

Dry spells cause water stress, while excess rains invite fungal diseases. Moderate humidity between 50–70 percent also suits pomegranates. Choose sites with minimal storms, as hail damages fruits and high winds destroy plant parts.

In terms of soils, deep sandy loam or sandy clay loam textures with excellent drainage are ideal. Heavier clay-based soils retain water and impede root development. Test pH levels, too, as pomegranates favor slightly acidic soils around 6.0-7.5 pH. 

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The Propagation Methods

Establishing an orchard begins with selecting healthy saplings produced from proven propagation techniques to ensure that the trees are true to type. The main methods used are:

Hardwood Cutting Propagation

Here, 15-20cm cuttings containing 4-5 buds get structured from juvenile 1-year-old orchard branches during winter dormancy. After sowing upright in nursery beds enriched with organic matter, the cuttings sprout roots and shoots within 2 months, aided by intermittent misting. On reaching 60cm, the young plants get transplanted into pots before field planting. Though simple, success rates vary unless cuttings come from superior productive trees.

Air-Layering Propagation

Also called marcotting, this technique entails wounding a branch on a robust mother tree to expose moist sphagnum moss padded area to callus and sprout fresh roots. After a few weeks, the now-rooted branch gets severed and potted up as a cloned plant with guaranteed attributes of the parent. Though labor intensive, air layers outperform cuttings in uniformity and survival rates post-transplanting.

Tissue Culture Propagation

Here, specialized labs clone genetically superior plantlets from meristematic tissue samples under sterile conditions. The test tube plantlets get greenhouse acclimatized before producing robust, adaptive saplings through containerized root trainer systems. However, high-tech and consistent, tissue-cultured plants are costlier. Reputable nurseries make the investment worth it!

When establishing new orchards, always insist on certified, healthy saplings produced by reliable nurseries via proven techniques for ensuring superior quality trees.

Field Preparation

A farmer plans carefully to grow more and more pomegranate yield per acre. Here’s the guide to maximize the pomegranate production.

Start by thoroughly clearing and plowing available sites to develop the land for pomegranate farming. Inspect for problematic perennial weeds or brush and unroot completely before tilling the soil using tractors. Ensure adequate depth when plowing under crop residues or organic matter. Follow up by leveling the surface through repeated raking to rectify any uneven patches. Proper land leveling facilitates uniform irrigation and drainage.

With a smooth seedbed completed, mark pits 60 cm across and 60 cm deep at ideal spacings of 5 to 6 meters. Precision spacing maximizes plant density and land utilization when developing high-density orchards. Now, mix the excavated soil with enriched topsoil, organic manure, and 50-80g of phosphate fertilizer before backfilling pits. Improving the soil nourishes sapling roots for prompt establishment after transplanting.

By selecting suitable blocks and meticulously preparing orchard land as described, you create ideal growth conditions even before planting saplings. Please pay attention to vital groundwork aspects like drainage analysis, field measurements, and fertility enhancement at this nascent stage to build a robust foundation for the prosperous pomegranate farm you envision!

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Sourcing Quality Planting Material

When establishing an orchard, procuring healthy, certified saplings forms the cornerstone for higher yields and farm profits. Seek recommendations from local agri departments on pomegranate varieties like Bhagwa, Arakta, or Ruby, best suited for your region’s environment. 

Then, the nurseries should be inspected for key sapling attributes, such as 1-year-old hardy plants with mature bark on their roots. Select 33-90 cm tall saplings displaying no disease/pest damage. Opt for containerized saplings as bare root plants get transplantation shocks. Time procurement before monsoons arrive for imminent planting. They are getting quality saplings suitable to fuel years of bountiful harvests ahead!

Plantation and Crop Care

Do pomegranate farming in India when the monsoon sets in for the roots to leverage rainy moisture, around early June to July. Dig pits, place saplings, and backfill soil so that the nursery soil adheres well. Support with bamboo posts till plants stabilize. Provide frequent irrigation the first year and mulch around plants. Later, weekly drip or sprinkler irrigation should be given, equivalent to 36–72 liters per plant. Set up automated micro-sprinklers if possible.

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Apply fertilizer and manure in split doses.

First when new growth begins post-monsoon and later before flowering starts. Compost and organic manure improve soil fertility over chemical inputs alone. Follow standard foliar feeds recommended for your region. Prune suckers or excess branches hinder airflow and light permeability. 

Such formative pruning in initial years shapes hardy frameworks. Once established, pomegranates need minimal care against pests or diseases. Just take guard against fruit flies in monsoons through traps and registered insecticides. Extreme heat or cold also occasionally necessitates protective measures, so remain vigilant!

Pruning & Training

Let’s imagine that harvest time comes with an abundance of sweet and flavorful pomegranates – that’s the price you pay for caring for your trees! Pruning and training play a vital role during this period, enabling your pomegranates to overshadow and flourish.

Why Prune?

Think of pruning as a targeted haircut for your pomegranate farming in India. It removes unwanted branches, allowing sunlight and air to reach the inner parts of the plant. This promotes healthy growth and better fruit quality and even helps manage the overall size and shape of your tree.

When and How to Prune?

In the first year or two after planting, the initial pruning session usually begins. Home in on the removal of the ones that are too weak, affected by pests, or growing in the wrong direction. As your tree is getting bigger, it is high time that you prune it regularly. Ideally, shape the tree during the dormant period, i.e., between late fall and early spring, when the tree has shed its leaves.

Different Techniques for Different Stages

Young Trees: Encourage a robust and prominent leader by thinning out competing shoots and making the main branches prowl outwards.

Established Trees: Maintain a canopy that is open by thinning the crowded branches and eliminating the growth that produces nothing or that is ill.

Fruiting Trees: Invest in fruit production by cutting away unwanted branches while new growth is guided on fruiting spurs.

Training for a Strong Foundation

While young, gently guide your pomegranate tree’s main branches to grow in desired directions using stakes or supports. This helps establish a robust framework for future growth and fruit production.

The fact that proper pruning and training require knowledge and attention must be stressed more. Save time by asking for professional advice from experienced gardeners and agriculturalists if you need specific assistance with your trees and the growing environment they come from. Through the use of such practices, you will be assured of having productive, healthy, and fruitful trees that will hunger you for many years to come.

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Harvesting & Post-Harvesting Handling

The time has come when you have been long awaiting for it – harvesting! However, before you grab your fruit, some essential protocols must be followed to guarantee that you pick porous pomegranates and deal with them in a timely to get more shelf-life and quality.

Know When to Pick

What comes to mind when you eat a juicy and ripened pomegranate? To make it possible, timing plays a crucial role here! Look for fruits that have already reached their size and maturity, with a rich red color (varies with variety). A gentle squeeze test is also helpful. A perfect fruit to squeeze should be slightly firm and yield just slightly to pressure. Contact the local experts or the extension services to get the exact maturity signs that suit your region and variety.

Harvest with Care

That is the exciting part now-selecting the pomegranates. The sharp pruner shears to carefully cut the stem, leaving about an inch of it still attached to the fruit. Try not to pull or twist while picking the fruits as it may cause damage to the fruits, thus shortening their shelf life. Please handle the fruits with care, not dropping or bruising them.


Your work continues after harvest! Here’s how to ensure your pomegranates stay fresh and delicious:

Sorting and Grading: Sort the harvest, keeping only those fruits that are not bruised or damaged. Further, you have the option to sort them according to size and color for better marketing or storage.

Packing: Select breathable boxes that are well-ventilated so the air can flow through them. Steer clear of overloading the fruits to prevent bruising.

Storage: Store the pomegranates in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space. Keep the temperature between 50-55°C (10-13°C) with high humidity among 90-95%.

There are different types of agriculture in india, but as a beginner farmer you have to choose what you can do the best and earn more profits.

Krishispray – Your Partner for Pomegranate Cultivation in India

For all farming equipment like sprayers, agricultural spray nozzle, spray guns, etc., Krishispray is your ultimate solution in one piece. You can purchase your ideal agricultural equipment online by visiting our website and start pomegranate cultivation in India.

Krishispray is one of the widely known agricultural equipment manufacturers in India, with a robust network of dealers across the country.